Who we are
Petromarine Engineering Services Ltd is an indigenous company established to offer world class services to oil and gas sector. Our core competency areas covers drilling/production equipment maintenance, engineering, procurement, construction, project management and marine vessel support. Our operations are in compliance with local and international best work practices and hinged on safety, asset reliability, and innovation, proficient and committed work force.
Legal status
Petromarine Engineering Services is legally registered in Nigeria incorporated under the companies and allied matters act 1990. Our operations comply with international and local regulatory authorities such as DPR, NAPIMS, NIPEX, NCDMB requirements. We parade a highly motivated professional team with years of experience spanning thirty years. We deliver quality, cost effective and timely services that guarantees our client’s satisfaction.
Our Services
PESL through direct ownership and strategic partnership offers a wide range of services in the fields of engineering, procurement, construction, installations, project management, drilling and production equipment maintenance, field support.

Conceptual and Front-end Engineering and Design (FEED):
We offer conceptual engineering and design expertise for a variety of facilities and related infrastructure, including – but not limited to
- Heavy Oil Production Facilities
- Drilling rigs
- FDPSOs, FPSOs and FSOs
- Fixed Platforms and Jackets
- Floating production Systems

Detailed Design:
Our expertise covers the following disciplines:
- Process Engineering & Design
- Loss Control Engineering & Design
- Mechanical / Piping Engineering & Design
- Electrical Engineering & Design
- Instrumentation Engineering & Design
- Structural Engineering & Design
- Architectural Engineering & Design
- Civil Engineering & Design
- Pipeline Engineering & Design
- Subsea, Risers & Floaters

Project Management:
Our specialty in providing project management services include but not limited to the following disciplines:
- Project planning
- Construction management
- Commissioning / startup
- Procurement
- Project management
- Quality assurance / Quality control
- Procedure development
- Database development and management
- Materials management

We assist our clients through the under listed measures:
- Source critical project components from proven providers
- Deliver highest international standards of quality
- OEM relationship which reduces lead time for critical goods delivery
- Reduce project risks from unproven suppliers

Construction management:
Our team of experts provide support at every stage of fabrication at construction yards in order to achieve/deliver:
- Major technological breakthroughs
- Record-setting business results

Commissioning and Start-up:
PESL priority is to ascertain the integrity of all systems:
- Identifying and correcting designs defects
- Correcting construction
- Inaccuracies until project completion
- Deliver fully tested and operational asset to our client

- We undertake maintenance of brown and green fields
- Maintain drilling and production facilities at onshore /offshore locations
- Capital project design and construction
- Asset performance improvement
- Operations support

Drilling Rig Services:
Specializes in drilling rig
- Engineering
- Construction
- Maintenance
- Project management

Production Facilities:
We provide top class services in the maintenance of topside production assets listed below:
- FPSOs, MOPU, production barges and Junction Platforms
- 100 K BOPD Production Facilities
- 100 mmscfd Standard Gas Facilities
- Shallow Water Pipelines